St. Louis Theft Crime Attorney
Defending Clients in all Types of Theft Crimes in St. Louis and Surrounding Areas
Theft crimes run the gamut from a shoplifting misdemeanor to a felony charge involving armed robbery. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be facing a state or federal prosecutor in connection with theft charges. Either way, you will want a strong legal defense and the support and guidance of a skilled attorney. St. Louis criminal defense attorney Kevin Whiteley of the Whiteley Law Firm has the outstanding qualifications and abilities to supply that level of legal representation. Because he focuses his practice on criminal defense and has a strong background in law enforcement as well as hundreds of criminal cases under his belt, he is a top choice in your search for committed legal assistance. He can represent you at both the state and federal level and will be by your side throughout every phase of the legal process, providing the personal service that sets him apart.
Theft Crime Cases in the St. Louis Area
Theft crimes include shoplifting, grand theft, burglary, robbery, auto theft, embezzlement, forgery, writing bad checks, identity theft, fraud involving credit card or debit card use, dealing in stolen property, and more. Misdemeanor theft involves stealing goods or services that are valued at less than $500. Stealing goods or services valued at more than $500 will result in a felony charge. Stealing goods or services valued above $25,000 is a more serious felony. Charges can be enhanced when prior convictions have occurred.
Because stealing involves dishonesty, if you are convicted of a theft charge you may have a difficult time finding future employment or housing. A routine background check can alert future employers, landlords, licensing agencies, and others of a theft crime conviction which can adversely affect your prospects. That is why it is so important to ensure that you have an attorney such as Kevin Whiteley who will work to pursue all available defense measures and options on your behalf.
Contact the St. Louis theft crime lawyer at the firm if you are facing any state or federal charges involving theft today.

What Sets Us Apart From The Rest?
Whiteley Law Firm is here to help you get the results you need with a team you can trust.
We make it easy for you to reach out and discuss your case, offering multiple avenues including phone, voicemail, online submission, and office visits for your convenience.
We understand the gravity of your situation and are committed to earning your trust through unwavering dedication to your defense.
Our approach involves a meticulous evaluation of your case, ensuring every possible defense avenue is explored to protect your rights.
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 888-910-8827 today!
Can I represent myself?Yes. Although the right is not unlimited, in every criminal prosecution, the accused must be permitted to act as his or her own attorney. However, the better question is whether you should represent yourself. To that question, the answer is undeniably no. For more information on why a criminal defendant should hire an experienced criminal defense attorney, please read more here.
What if I am guilty?
Although your thoughts on guilt or innocence of the charges against you are important, it is only one factor that should be considered in how to dispose of the criminal case.
The Whiteley Law Firm is committed to ensuring that those charged with criminal offenses receive a result that is in their best interest. In doing so, we always ensure that the conduct of the police has been proper and the prosecution can meet their burden of proof.
Will my case be dismissed if the police did not read me my Miranda rights?
The continued popularity and proliferation of crime drama television shows perpetuates the idea that the police must advise the suspect of his or her Miranda rights immediately upon being arrested. This television show concept, however, is a myth. The police are under no obligation to inform someone of their constitutional rights once placed in custody.
The Miranda warnings – generally, the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney – take their name from the 1966 U.S. Supreme Court decision of the same name, Miranda v. Arizona. The landmark decision requires law enforcement officials to inform individuals in custody of their rights prior to any questioning. In other words, with some limited exceptions, Miranda warnings are only required when the police interrogate someone while they are in custody.
Given these two requirements, the question whether a case will be dismissed can become a complex question. Suffice it to say, while complete dismissal of the case is not impossible, the more likely result from a Miranda violation would be suppression of the illegally obtained evidence.